How to Make Co-Parenting Work After Getting a Divorce

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While co-parenting is often what is best for children, there are several things divorced parents should do to make the arrangement work.

When parents in Nevada decide to divorce, they often worry about their children and what they can do to protect their interests. While parents may wish that they could have full control over their children after the divorce is finalized, joint custody or joint physical custody arrangements are often what is best.

According to the American Bar Association, in joint custody arrangements, both parents have the right to make decisions about issues that affect their children. This may include choices about where their children will go to school, their healthcare provider, what types of activities they should participate in and more. In comparison, joint physical custody refers to the amount of time that each parent spends with their children. While some parents may share their time equally, others will adapt their schedules to what is best for their children.

The benefits of co-parenting

Although parents may not be happy about the prospect of sharing parental responsibilities with their ex-spouse, this type of co-parenting arrangement is beneficial for several reasons. According to Psychology Today, these include the following:

  • Children are able to develop relationships with both of their parents
  • These arrangements reduce the risk of parental alienation
  • The children's physical, mental and economic needs are more likely to be met
  • Conflict between ex-spouses can be minimized

Additionally, shared child custody arrangements ensure that parents are able to preserve the relationships they had with their children before their divorce.

Tips for success

To ensure the shared parenting arrangement is successful after their divorce, parents should establish a routine for their children, states ABC News. This means that the rules at one home the children stay at are the same as at the other. For example, if one parent requires his or her children to be in bed by a certain time, the other parent should institute this practice at his or her home as well.

Parents should also keep the relationship they have with their ex-spouse cordial, but not too friendly. For instance, parents should make an effort to show up at all of their children's events, but not sleep over or get dinner together afterwards. Ex-spouses who do not establish boundaries may send mixed messages to their children and confuse them, especially if their divorce was recent.

Additionally, parents should encourage their children to have a relationship with their ex-spouse, avoid speaking negatively of their ex-spouse in front of their children and try to overcome any past issues with their ex-spouse that could be holding them back from providing proper care to their children.

Before a co-parenting plan is established, parents may wonder if it will benefit their children after their divorce is finalized. If you and your spouse are getting divorced and are worried about how this change will affect your children, speak with an attorney who can guide you through this difficult time.

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